Vireo Advisors, LLC

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Vireo Advisors Coordinating OECD Workshop to Advance Use of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for Nanomaterial Risk Assessment

Vireo Advisors is collaborating with Health Canada and two European Horizon2020 projects to coordinate two back-to-back workshops at the OECD: “Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathway (NanoAOP) Development for Nanomaterial Risk Assessment and Categorization” (NanoAOP Workshop), to be held 11 September 2019, and a stakeholder workshop organized by the EU H2020 Project Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanOmateriaL hazard aSsessment (PATROLS ), to be held 12 September 2019. Both workshops will be held at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Conference Center in Boulogne, Paris, France. Preregistration deadline is August 10.

The NanoAOP Workshop (Sept. 11th) will bring together adverse outcome pathway (AOP) and nanomaterial researchers, as well as regulatory and policy experts, to discuss the current status and future use of AOP frameworks to support nanomaterial risk assessment. This workshop will feature presentations and discussions on three related projects:

1. An OECD WPMN project developing a case study to examine how the nanotoxicology literature can be used to identify key events relevant for manufactured nanomaterials. The case study and a recently published article from Halappanavar et al. describe an approach to advance the development of AOPs for nanomaterials using existing nanotoxicology literature.

2. The EU H2020 SmartNanoTox project. SmartNanoTox is using in vivo, in vitro and in silico research to develop nanomaterial-relevant AOPs in the respiratory pathway.

3. The EU H2020 PATROLS project. PATROLS is developing non-animal (in vitro) models and computational tools targeting the key events in established AOPs.

The PATROLS Project Stakeholder Workshop (Sept. 12th) will include presentations on advanced assays, methods and tools to support nanomaterial hazard characterization in the areas of ecotoxicology, in silico hazard testing, in vitro human hazard testing and nanomaterial characterization in biological systems.

To express an interest in attending either workshop, please email James Ede at by 10 August 2019.