The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Call to Action to End Poverty and Protect our Planet
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call to action to end poverty and protect our planet. At Vireo Advisors we continue to support safe commercialization of these sustainable alternatives
U.S. Should Create National Strategy by End of 2022 to Reduce Its Increasing Contribution to Global Ocean Plastic Waste, Says NAS Report
A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that the U.S. establish a nationally coordinated and expanded monitoring system to track plastic pollution in order to understand the scale and sources of the U.S. plastic waste problem, set reduction and management priorities, and measure progress in addressing it.
The rise of lab grown foods
In the early part of the last century, Sir Winston Churchill made a prediction: “We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium”.
The Alliance for Pulp & Paper Technology Innovation Hosts Webinar Series: “Biobased Materials for Advanced Manufacturing”
The Alliance for Pulp & Paper Technology Innovation (APPTI) has organized a webinar series entitled “Biobased Materials for Advanced Manufacturing” to highlight the nanocellulose research being conducted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the University of Maine, and 20+ industrial partners under their multi-year $40 million bio-derived materials research collaboration funded by the Department of Energy.
This new biodegradable glitter is made entirely from plants
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have created a cellulose-based glitter which is sustainable and biodegradable.