Happy National Nanotechnology Day 2024!

Each year, Vireo Advisors is pleased to participate in National Nanotechnology Day, coordinated by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, by reflecting on our work with nanotechnology in the past, present, and future. Due to their size, nanomaterials can often exhibit unique properties that can enhance the performance of larger materials or introduce novel properties to new technologies. While exciting, it is crucial that these new and enhanced technologies are safe to use, and even better when they are safer than conventional products. 

For over a decade, Vireo Advisors has been at the forefront of assessing the potential risks of nanomaterials to workers, consumers, and the environment to enhance the safe use of advanced, climate-conscious technologies. This year, we have continued to conduct nanomaterial life-cycle risk assessments; offered expert guidance on regulatory requirements for nanomaterials and helped several organizations navigate them; developed tools and data to support nanomaterial safety evaluations; and led and collaborated in public-private partnerships developing the methods and data to evaluate the safety of nanomaterials. Our work has spanned carbon nanomaterials (e.g., graphene and carbon nanotubes [CNTs]), metal and metal oxide nanomaterials, and cellulose-based nanomaterials. Be on the lookout this week as individual team members share their professional and personal experiences with nanotechnology, and how Vireo continues to help bring safer and more sustainable nanotechnologies to market!


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