The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
US National Nanotechnology Initiative holds Second Quantitative Estimate of Exposure to Nanomaterials Conference (QEEN II) Oct 9-10
Jo Anne Shatkin, as well as new team members Dr. Shaun Clancy, and Cassidy Pomeroy-Carter were part of the planning and coordination of the conference, organizing panel discussions on exposure to nanomaterials in food and food contact items, and stakeholder perspectives, respectively.
NIST Researchers Develop New Composite Material using Wood Pulp and an Invasive Exotic Pest
Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new composite material using wood pulp and dried pieces of an invasive exotic pest called tunicates.