The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Investments Driving Companies to Focus on Sustainable Bio-based Materials
Investors are taking note of the more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic waste floating in our oceans today and contributing more than $30 trillion in sustainable investments globally.
UBQ Materials Bio-Based Thermoplastic used in Central Virginian Recycling Pilot Program
The waste management authority of Central Virginia (CVWMA) has launched a partnership with UBQ Materials and will soon begin a pilot program which will provide 2,000 of its consumers with a recycling bin made with UBQ Materials’ patented technology.
UBQ Materials Awarded “Best Use of Alternative Feedstocks” at World Bio Markets!
Congratulations to UBQ Materials for being awarded “Best Use of Alternative Feedstocks” during the Bio Market Insights Innovation Awards 2019 for their work transforming household waste into a sustainable, infinitely renewable material.
UBQ Materials Named Certified B Corporation
UBQ uses Residual Municipal Solid Waste (RMSW) such as food waste, garden trimmings, paper, cardboard, diapers, dirty plastics, as well as packaging materials to create UBQTM Materials: bio-based composite thermoplastic materials that can replace plastic polymers in hundreds of applications.
Israeli Firm says it can Turn Garbage into Bio-based Plastic
UBQ Materials, an Israeli firm, is commercializing technology to convert municipal solid waste into plastics which they say will dramatically change waste management systems throughout the world and make landfills a thing of the past.