The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Adhesive-free Bio-based Suspended Ceiling Tiles using Nanocellulose
In a study published by BioResources, Nadir Yildirim of The University of Maine created adhesive-free bio-based suspended ceiling tiles using nanocellulose.
NIST Researchers Develop New Composite Material using Wood Pulp and an Invasive Exotic Pest
Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new composite material using wood pulp and dried pieces of an invasive exotic pest called tunicates.
“Nanowood”: Better than Styrofoam?
Researchers at the University of Maryland have created an eco-friendly alternative to Styrofoam using nano-size wood fibers.
Sustainable Paper from Elephant and Cow Manure
Scientists from the University of Vienna have discovered a way of using the manure of cows and elephants in order to sustainably make paper.
Swedish Processum to lead major nanocellulose project
The Swedish company Processum has announced an 8 million Swedish Krona nanocellulose project which will develop new applications such as the test bed TinyBTalented on a large scale over the nest four years.