The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Generation-Z Shifting the Focus of Major Industries to Environmentally Friendly Options
Forbes advises major industries such as food, beauty, clothing, household products and packaging to focus on plant based and environmentally conscious solutions for their products in order to appeal to Generation-Z population.
Feeding Ancient Microorganisms Hydrogen and CO2 to Create a New Sustainable Natural Gas
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and SoCalGas are currently running trials in a bioreactor using an ancient microorganism which ferments hydrogen and carbon dioxide and converts it into methane in hopes of creating a way for wind and solar electricity to be stored
Bacteria used to Genetically Modify Crops Found Naturally Occurring in Flowering Plants.
1 in 20 flowering plants have recently been found to naturally contain Agrobacterium DNA—the bacterium which is used to create genetically modified crops.
Dyes and Fabrics Created by Synthetic Biology
The Genetic Literacy Project published an article in which they review new developments using synthetic biology to create more sustainable dyes and fabrics from microbes.
UBQ Materials Bio-Based Thermoplastic used in Central Virginian Recycling Pilot Program
The waste management authority of Central Virginia (CVWMA) has launched a partnership with UBQ Materials and will soon begin a pilot program which will provide 2,000 of its consumers with a recycling bin made with UBQ Materials’ patented technology.