The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Product Registration Requirement for Nanomaterials Required in Sweden
As of January 1, 2018, notifiers are now required to provide information on nanomaterials contained in chemical products in Sweden according to a decision made by The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI) in December 2017.
Bio-Based Nanocellulose Fibers used to Create Strongest Bio-Material in the World
Swedish scientists at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology have created a bio-based material made of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) which they report to be stronger than all other man-made or natural bio-based materials, including spider silk and wood.
NIST Researchers Develop New Composite Material using Wood Pulp and an Invasive Exotic Pest
Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new composite material using wood pulp and dried pieces of an invasive exotic pest called tunicates.
Improved Clarity on Nanomaterials in the EU: REACH Committee Votes to Amend Annexes
The proposed amendments will be used to help understand which substances registered under REACH are nanomaterials and the quantities being placed on the market.