Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Consortium Nanocellulose Forum (NCF)
Japan’s AIST Nanocellulose Forum (NCF) is a public/private partnership with over 280 members, including 176 corporate members, and a mandate to accelerate the research and development, commercialization and standardization of nanocellulose. The programs of the consortium include:
- Surveys, sharing, information exchange, and information publicizing technology trends
- Ventures promoting joint research and development, and promotion of commercialization
- Promotion of nanocellulose standardization
- Provision of information on the availability of R&D facilities
- Human resource development
- Sample information
The consortium has released several recent reports of interest including:
- Japan-Canada Nanocellulose International Symposium Report
- Survey Report on Cellulose Nanofibers (in Japanese)
These reports include strategies to develop the advanced biomass industry, a road-map to the deployment of cellulose nanofibers, and a strategy to develop new markets using cellulose nanofibers.