Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Consortium Nanocellulose Forum (NCF)

Japan’s AIST Nanocellulose Forum (NCF) is a public/private partnership with over 280 members, including 176 corporate members, and a mandate to accelerate the research and development, commercialization and standardization of nanocellulose. The programs of the consortium include:

  1. Surveys, sharing, information exchange, and information publicizing technology trends
  2. Ventures promoting joint research and development, and promotion of commercialization
  3. Promotion of nanocellulose standardization
  4. Provision of information on the availability of R&D facilities
  5. Human resource development
  6. Sample information

The consortium has released several recent reports of interest including:

These reports include strategies to develop the advanced biomass industry, a road-map to the deployment of cellulose nanofibers, and a strategy to develop new markets using cellulose nanofibers. 


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