The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Regulating the Future of Food Conference 2024
Last week, Vireo co-organized our first ever conference, Regulating the Future of Food, with our colleagues at Atova and co-located with the Future of Protein Production, at RAI in Amsterdam. It was a terrific event by all measures.
EPA Publishes Draft Risk Evaluation for DINP
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) published its Draft Risk Evaluation for Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) in August 2024, in accordance with the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act.
DIAGONAL Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) Decision Support Tool
Vireo Advisors, LLC and fellow members of the DIAGONAL consortium are proud to unveil the culmination of three years of research: the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) Decision Support Tool. This tool is a result of collaborative efforts in the DIAGONAL project to analyze and predict the risks of nanomaterials to human health and the environment.
Happy National Nanotechnology Day 2024!
Each year, Vireo Advisors is pleased to participate in National Nanotechnology Day, coordinated by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, by reflecting on our work with nanotechnology in the past, present, and future. Due to their size, nanomaterials can often exhibit unique properties that can enhance the performance of larger materials or introduce novel properties to new technologies. While exciting, it is crucial that these new and enhanced technologies are safe to use, and even better when they are safer than conventional products.