The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
U. S. research results for all
The Biden administration just announced that by 2025 publications from U.S. federally funded research need be open access as soon as they are published: Currently they can be behind a paywall for 12 months.
Join us for the annual UMaine CNM forum!
The annual UMaine CNM (cellulose nanomaterial) forum starts today, Wednesday, August 24, and continues on Thursday, August 25.
Yes, butter is getting harder
Canadian cookbook author Julie Van Rosendaal posted on Twitter in February 2021: “Something is up with our butter supply, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Have you noticed it’s no longer soft at room temperature?”
Cultured Meat Regulation in Japan
According to a report in The Japan News, a team of experts will be established this fiscal year by the Japanese Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry to investigate whether there are risks in proposed meat cultivation processes that could adversely affect human health.
Antibiotic could save millions of lives from superbugs after study eradicates MRSA in mice
By developing "synthetic" classes of teixobactin, scientists in the UK have created a "game-changing" antibiotic which could save millions of lives worldwide from drug-resistant superbugs.