The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Limitations of recent cellulose studies: How overzealous dispersion technique, fluorescence labeling and interpretation limit the findings of recent safety assessments for cellulose materials
Vireo strongly supports the responsible development of alternative testing methods including New Approach Methodologies for safety demonstration, and has collaborated in the past to advance their development and acceptance. But, on review, we found there are significant issues with the findings and conclusions of two reports on the safety of micro and nanofibrillated celluloses recently published as part of a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) – funded Pilot Project.
JACA Report: Hazard, risk analysis, and safety requirements of cultivated meat and seafood
We are pleased to support the Japan Association for Cellular Agriculture JACA with this seminal report providing a comprehensive assessment of current regulatory and safety evaluation for cultivated meat and seafood products worldwide.
Reducing microplastics
Bio-based materials and process innovation can provide alternatives to the materials responsible for the worrying prevalence of microplastics in our bodies, our food, and our pets. Vireo is supporting the commercialization of safer and more sustainable products and processes.
Updating US Biotechnology Policy
US EPA, FDA and USDA have published an ambitious plan for improving regulation of genetically modified plants, animals, microorganisms, human drugs, biologics, and medical devices.
Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials
Our latest book chapter describes risk assessment frameworks and state-of-the-art approaches to assess nanomaterial risk with a specific focus on life-cycle risk analysis. Case studies for carbon nanotubes and cellulose nanomaterials put these theories into practice, guiding readers through model risk assessment processes.