The Vireo Advisors blog brings you the latest news and developments in safe, sustainable and bio-based materials and products including novel foods and sustainable nanomaterials.
Did cultured meat just get approved for sale in Europe?
Bene Meat Technologies announced that their cultured meat had been included on the EU Feed Material Register specifically for use in cat and dog food. This is great news, but there is an important distinction between EU approval process for feed materials and feed additives, and obtaining EU approval for human consumption of cultured meat will be a much more significant challenge.
Standardizing food safety testing for the cultivated meat and seafood industry
We are pleased to announce Vireo is part of a significant new project to assess the safety of serum free media components and standardize testing for the cultivated meat and seafood industry to accelerate innovation.
What is Biobased?
Among the many terms used to imply the sustainability of products, the term ‘biobased’ has real meaning.
Addressing our Carbon Footprint
Vireo Advisors is serious about addressing our carbon footprint. We have offset our 2022 carbon emissions from essential business travel and home office energy use by helping finance two projects with Native carbon offsets.
Novel Foods, Commercialization and Regulatory Roundup
Our latest roundup includes regulatory news, company announcements, and notable publications for novel foods, including cultured meat and seafood and ingredients made using new production systems such as precision fermentation.